Aquarius Full Moon Horoscopes & Musings

Here we are, Full Moon time! I'm right there with you- releasing the last 6 months, healing, forgiving, observing, and making space for new energies to enter into my life. I've opted to relax today- it's going to look like an afternoon bubble bath, face mask, cuddling my dogs, laying in the grass, dressing candles for clients, and my own spells and rituals tonight. I made an energetic request for space today and tomorrow from people in my life (space... soooo Saturn right?!) and I'm holding boundaries to be able to lean deeply into my own practices and Full Moon story. It's not selfish, it's self-care and as a Virgo, this is the move as this Full Moon shines a light in my 6th house of mind, body & soul. I encourage you to take this time for yourself, too. Full Moon time is about deep healing and processing what's being revealed to us. Do you!

Before I share my musings with you, I also want to share the two ways you can work with me and join into the magic I've thoughtfully prepared. My cooler-than-hell spaces are timed with Astrology, so I encourage you to consider jumping in before we hit Mercury & Mars retrogrades coming up soon. I don't say this to create fear... I say it because I'm a realist and having a space to learn and be supported in will help you out a ton.

First up is Astro-Tarot School. 

>> Using both Tarot and Astrology will allow you to work with two of the most accurate and influential ancient divination tools- two of the only tools capable of guiding the human journey by shedding light on the past, present, and future. This is a 4 week course with a Bonus Class on week 5. It's full of wisdom and an incredible amount of cosmic energy. 

Click here to see if you vibe with this course

And next up is Allure.

>> Allure is my pride and joy- it's my personal Coven. We manifest and make magic together and it's so near and dear to my heart. What is Allure? It's entering into a dreamy, exciting, and supportive space. A virtual home for your heart where you can make your wildest dreams a reality. Lean into support, events, tarot, coven calls, community, somatic experiences, powerful manifestation practices + more. You will be seen, honored, and loved every step of the way. We'll create together alongside a powerful and friendly group of mystics.

Click here to learn more about the Allure Coven

My groups are muy empowering and I come in Virgo service to create heartfelt, genuine spaces for us to gather in... to awaken our badass mystic & witchy selves.


Here are Horoscopes & Musings for your Sun & Rising Signs that will *also* support you deeply! I'm so excited to share what I've written with you:

🌕 Earth Signs: You are the Master Builder. Hold a space of appreciation for all of your accomplishments and efforts. 

Taurus: Show up empowered. Don't be afraid to get your business brain fired up and to release practices in your career that aren't moving you forward. Nurture your physical vessel just as much as you are nurturing your goals. Be the authority your inner-child never had but always wanted.

Virgo: Center self-care. Release the things that stress you out mentally. Check-in with your gut and your nervous system. Self-soothe if anxiety creeps in. Past life meditations/regressions can help bring clarity about your soul's mission.

Capricorn: Consider your legacy. Your mind is powerful, so think it and believe it and it will come. Build up your self-esteem by mirror-gazing. Hug on yourself as if your arms are Saturn's rings. Seek the deeper meaning of the materials you wish to manifest- therein lies your true soul alignment. 

🌕 Air Signs: You’re inner-fire is lit. Open your mind and reflect on how powerfully you pursue your passions. 

Gemini: Adventure wildly. That thing you've always wanted to learn? Go for it and release old ideas. Dance it out. Move your thighs and hips when energy feels stagnant. Open your third eye and tap into your Higher Consciousness.

Libra: Get creative.Think about what brings you pleasure, especially in romance. Your imagination is your greatest source of creation. Let old projects and situations wrap up. Indulge your senses but remember it's quality over quantity. Your inner-child needs you to have fun- explore this in hypnosis or day-dreaming.

Aquarius: Express yourself. It's time to set some trends (you're so good at this) so get creative and let go of looks and fashion that aren't exciting anymore. Get as wild and zany and unique with it as you can. Connect to your healthy ego and give yourself permission to step into the "new you" while letting go of outdated versions.

🌕 Fire Signs: Your voice is being heard. 

Aries: Connect with others. Vibe community with people you can get intellectual with. Host a dance party or yoga class with people you love, even if it's on Zoom. Find a safe/sacred place to express your spirituality. 

Leo: Nurture your alliances and forgive those who have worked against you in the past. We're nothing without each other, so think about the people you want to commit to, and talk to them about it. Open your heart to love and connection... open it all the way.

Sagittarius: Gather information. Get social and share your voice and big ideas with your community. Give yourself hand and arm massages, especially if you feel overwhelmed or ask someone else to do this for you if that feels better. Open your throat chakra and clear any blockages. Your inner-wisdom is ready to speak.

🌕 Water Signs: Your feeling are valid.

Cancer: Discover mysterious intelligence. Let yourself get serious about financial freedom + your deepest desires. Don't rush your thoughts. Do a body scan. Touch every part of yourself as a statement of intimacy and self-love. We all know you're pretty psychic, so explore it! 

Scorpio: Consider where you want to root down and take your time planning ways to feel safe and secure. Nurture yourself and your belly with delicious comfort food as well as healthy, dynamic options that energize you. Home is where the heart is, and your heart needs you right now. Try breath work to connect deeper and heal. Ask your ancestors for guidance.

Pisces: Let it go. Your deep psyche is calling! Get vulnerable and explore the inner-workings of your beautiful mind- it is safe. Release all vices that don't serve you anymore. Take a trip to the psychedelic side of life... in whichever way feels best for you :) 


Thank you for being here and reading my words. It means the world to me! I hope to see you in Astro-Tarot School and/or Allure! These will be my last few offerings for a while due to the Astrological weather. I'll try to blog more- it was such a blast writing these Horoscopes and I promise to share more when I have the space to do so.. 

Happy Full Moon to my Angels & Muses. I love you more than words can describe!!! 





... because the portal is enchantedly unpredictable.