Cosmic Insights: Weekend Update 5/22

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves this weekend is the permission to not know. 

The Sun in Gemini made it's first interaction yesterday, setting the tone for the season ahead with Jupiter. And that was Jupiter's first transit since entering into Pisces. Many of us are closer in touch with our feelings than we've been in a long time and we're considering the impact of our decisions. We're beginning to recognize more clearly how much of a valuable resource our energy truly is, and that where we put our energy (and with whom) does matter.

And tonight within these depths creeps in a Neptunian fog at 10:43pm et, when our consciousness (Mercury) spins in a psychedelic-like flurry at a 90º point of tension with Neptune, Planet ruling the watery depths of our subconscious minds. We're wise to pay attention to what's present for us because this is the first in a series of 3 aspects, occurring again on June 5th and July 6th of 2021. This is the start of a continued story line- and a core component of our Mercury Retrograde story.

As La Luna works hard to harmonize and neutralize relationships and agreements, we may come to find older wounds open up which can lead to expansive vulnerability (if we want that). When something is unclear, can we take that as an invitation to follow our intuition and seek deeper insights?

When the way in which we compute information, feelings, conversations, and visions is fogged, confusion can certainly arise and as the Eclipse portal continues to open, we still don't know what we don't know. 

Yet in that unknowing there's a certain magic.... and that's the gift we can give ourselves- to stop and play here.

There's astronomical space for creativity. Our levels of success, stress + satisfaction, I believe, are directly correlated to how creative we allow ourselves to be. Creativity is the heartbeat of manifestation and during Eclipse time, we've come to understand one great fact: The Portal of Power opens for each and every one of us. Most of our lives will look drastically different on the other side of Gemini season, and tomorrow's Saturn Retrograde will turn the wheel even more. We are in an on-going process.

To hold you during this potent time, I've opened the doors to Allure back up up for round 3. As you may have noticed, this Collective only opens it's doors during Eclipse/Retrograde season. Why? Because it can be the best time for the deepest, most brilliant transformations. Eclipse question: Can we consider a no-strings-attached commitment to creativity, and watch our wildest dreams come true?

I believe that yes, we can. I've seen it every eclipse season, and I'm excited to see more- We experienced souuuuuul many manifestations and miracles inside our coven last eclipse season, and you're invited to check out Allure and see if it's your time to manifest with us, be held in the space of not knowing.. and still powerfully create.

This is a Collective for deep feelers + intuitives who want to tap into their own personal magic. We start next Wednesday on the Sagittarius Eclipse.

To give you a glimpse into what it's like to be astrologically supported by me through a transit, I've created a chart-share for anyone who feels called to go deeper. We do this weekly inside of Allure! The key is to allow your astro-heart to guide you to your own unique cosmic insights and downloads. I suggest journaling as Gemini rules communication and the hands. If you have any questions about your journey, your Astrology, or Allure, reply directly to this email. 

In Virgo service,





... because the portal is enchantedly unpredictable.