Saturn RX

Hola, my loves.

Here I am, Sunday morning... thinking about Saturn. The proverbial father of the Zodiac, stationing retrograde today in the sign of Aquarius. And naturally as an Astrologer, I'm thinking of what implications this cosmic movement may or may not have, and even more so thinking (and playing in) the fact that we will never truly know until we look back retro-actively. And that's honestly a lot like retrograde energy... it coaxes us into the past.

Retrogrades have a "Re-do" type of energy and when we're talking about Saturn, the Planet quite literally ruling time, we may indeed find ourselves dealing with pangs of nostalgia or memories of the distant past. Looking at the past can be scary if not daunting. And I must stop to wonder: 

is that why we're instinctively nervous about retrograde time? because it entices us to go backward, and perhaps that's scary? Do we identify with our past more than our future? If so, how can this change? Does it need to change? 

... these are all retrograde-y questions that only we can answer on an individual level as we move through our own processes. We can also recognize the Collective (air) Aquarius energy we are stepping into: hidden genius vibes, downloads, channeling, cosmic intelligence, solution, communication with community.... the list goes on.

That being said, I've decided to serve up simple, "Mind, Body + Soul" horoscopes to you in honor of Saturn Retrograde. Before I share them with you, I'd also like to share what I'm personally doing to start off my Saturn Retrograde: 

↠ I'm releasing a lot of energy that I've been holding onto since Saturn entered Aquarius back in 2020. Around that time, there were restrictions both personally and collectively that changed my world view. As I look back and reflect, I have lots of clarity on why certain things happened the way they ultimately did. I'm in a process of making peace with the parts I didn't resonate with by forgiving them. As Saturn Retrogrades, I anticipate a lot of opportunity for healing, and that's where I'll focus my heart. 

↠ I'm checking to see where Saturn 13º is in my natal chart, and I'm also looking to see how Saturn will travel down to 7º. Do you have any planets or points at the 13th or 7th degree, and if so, what signs? Do you have anything in Aquarius between 7-13º? I know that transiting Saturn will flirt in and out of a sextile with my natal Mars, and I know that transiting Saturn also dances in a harmonious flow with my Midheaven, the highest part of my chart that represents my calling in life. So how will I work with this energy and all of the other Saturn transits I'll experience between now and Oct. 10th? I'll work with my Astrology.

- and - 

↠ As I'm sure you heard, my pride and joy of an offering, ALLURE, begins on Wednesday for the Sagittarius Eclipse. I'll help you work with your astrology too, alongside a magical coven of beautiful humans. From conception to the 3rd round of this beautiful, powerful community... we've had an incredible amount of manifestations and miracles. We're set to receive even more and I highly encourage you to join us for Gemini, Cancer + Leo season. Together over the next 90 days, we're creating revolution, possibility, and expansion in our lives.


Now, let's dial into this cosmic intelligence on Saturn, my loves. 

Quick Facts: 

  • Saturn is an outer, generational and social planet (Saturn and Jupiter are the social planets) This means Saturn is the transition point from inner to outer energies
  • Saturn is in Aquarius until March 7th, 2023
  • Saturn rules the sign Capricorn, as well as Aquarius (traditionally)
  • Saturn governs bones, teeth, skin, the skeleton & gallbladder 
  • If your Saturn is in Aquarius, your Saturn Return will occur December 2020 and March 7th, 2023 (you are not in your return the entire time)
  • Saturn in a high-vibe: Responsible, determined, powerful, willful, entrepreneurial, in touch with destiny, highly respected
  • Saturn in a bitchy low-vibe: Cynical, capitalist, patriarchal, materialistic, depressed, suppressed emotionally, cold 

Social reform and revolution can't happen overnight, nor should it with such a big dismantling- and this is one of the functions of Saturn Retrograde- to allow us the space and time to reform, re-establish, re-evaluate, re-organize, etc. 

the reality: Saturn Retrograde is an annual process that deserves (and requires) our participation as a humanity if we are to succeed and enjoy the possibilities that Saturn in Aquarius is capable of. There are SO many amazing things that can come from this Saturn transit, but Saturn rewards are earned. This could seem daunting after such a traumatic year... but I promise you that when you look back, you'll be incredibly happy and proud to say you participated in the revolution. This is a time of massive awakening, and the unfolding has potential to be extremely beautiful. To experience it, to *truly* be part of the change... we have to reconsider and rework our micro/macro functioning systems. (I know... systems... sooooo Aquarius...)

But for now, I want to share some horoscope-style insights with you to get the ball rolling! Yes, this retrograde (and all retrogrades) are a time where things slow down considerably... but it doesn't mean we need to stop moving forward. 

***Please credit my work if you decide to share by using my first and last name, in addition to tagging me.

Saturn Retrograde horoscopes for the Mind, Body & Soul (read for your Sun and Rising Sign):  


Aries //

Mind: Connect in community with people you can get intellectual with.

Body: #squadgoals: it's time to connect to your people through fun, shared activities that stimulate you.

Soul: Find a safe/sacred place to express your spirituality. 


Taurus //

Mind: Get your business brain fired up, it's go time! 

Body: Nurture your physical vessel just as much as you are nurturing your goals. 

Soul: Be the authority your inner-child never had but always wanted.


Gemini //

Mind: That thing you've always wanted to learn? Go for it.

Body: Dance it out. Move your thighs and hips when energy feels stagnant. 

Soul: Open your third eye and tap into your Higher Consciousness.


Cancer //

Mind: Let yourself get serious about financial freedom + your deepest desires. Don't rush your thoughts.

Body: Do a body scan. Touch every part of yourself as a statement of intimacy and self-love.

Soul: We all know you're pretty psychic, so explore it! 


Leo //

Mind: We're nothing without each other, so think about the people you want to commit to, and talk to them about it.

Body: What is good for your body, and what isn't? A little consciousness here can go a long way.  

Soul: Open your heart to love and connection... open it all the way.


Virgo //

Mind: Delegate the things that stress you out mentally. 

Body: Check-in with your gut and your nervous system. Self-soothe if anxiety creeps in.

Soul: Past life meditations/regressions can help bring clarity about your soul's mission.


Libra //

Mind: Think about what brings you pleasure, especially in romance. Your imagination is your greatest source of creation.

Body: Indulge your senses but remember it's quality over quantity.

Soul: Your inner-child needs you to have fun- explore this in hypnosis or day-dreaming.


Scorpio //

Mind: Consider where you want to root down and take your time planning ways to feel safe and secure.

Body: Nurture yourself and your belly with delicious comfort food as well as healthy, dynamic options that energize you.

Soul: Home is where the heart is, and your heart needs you right now. Try breath-work to connect deeper.


Sagittarius //

Mind: Get social and share your voice and big ideas with your community. 

Body: Give yourself hand and arm massages, especially if you feel overwhelmed. 

Soul: Open your throat chakra and clear any blockages. Your inner-wisdom is ready to speak.


Capricorn //

Mind: It's time to manifest! Your mind is powerful, so think it and believe it and it will come.

Body: Build up your self-esteem by mirror-gazing. Hug on yourself as if your arms are Saturn's rings.

Soul: Seek the deeper meaning of the materials you wish to manifest- therein lies your true soul alignment. 


Aquarius //

Mind: It's time to set some trends (you're so good at this) so get creative!

Body: Change up your look! Get as wild and zany and unique with it as you can. 

Soul: Connect to your healthy ego and give yourself permission to step into the "new you" 


Pisces //

Mind: Your deep psyche is calling! Get vulnerable and explore the inner-workings of your beautiful mind- it is safe.

Body: Release all vices that don't serve you anymore.

Soul: Take a trip to the psychedelic side of life... in whichever way feels best for you!

How do you vibe with your Mind, Body + Soul Horoscope? Keep in touch, and as always, be kind and gentle- we never know what burdens others may be carrying.

In Virgo service to the Moon and back,




... because the portal is enchantedly unpredictable.